Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What are your business hours?
A: 8 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday, mountain time.
Q: Is there after hours access?
A: Yes. You can come to use your office 24 hours a day. Entry is provided by a key fob.
Q: Are utilities included in rent?
A: Yes. Electric, Water, Fiber Optic Internet and a Business Phone are all included in an office rental at the 17th & Central Executive Suites.
Q: Is the receptionist there all day?
A: Yes. There will be a receptionist there everyday to help your business succeed. When someone comes into our address looking for information your business, we will be waiting.
Q: Is the internet high speed?
A: Yes. We offer high speed fiber optic internet service from Charter.
Q: How long has the office leasing business been operating?
A: Wyoming Registered Agent acquired the existing office leasing business in 2012.
Q: What is the cheapest office you offer?
A: For the business owner on a budget, we offer a cubicle with phone service and internet for $175 a month.
Q: Is the building owned by 17th & Central Executive Suites?
A: The building is owned by Steve Borin.
Q: Is there handicap access to the offices?
A: Yes. We have a modern elevator with convenient access.
Q: Is 17th & Central Executive Suites owned by an outside source like REGIS?
A: No. Wyoming Registered Agent owns and operates the leasing business.
Q: Can I just rent a conference room without renting an office?
A.: Yes, we have an hourly rate for conference rooms.
Q: Will I get a lease when renting?
A: All of our physical offices come with a lease. The virtual offices do not come with a lease.
Q: Do you offer discounts?
A: Discounts on rent can be given if one party rents multiple offices through 17th & Central Executive Suites.